Yup !

    I've got the system up and running again by means of multiple 'make
menuconfigs' with the
occasional help of  System Rescue/Gentoo liveCD's and a number of
massive 'dist-upgrades .. and #slug ...
except for sound and dependency problems with Gnucash which should
resolve themselves
as it moves to gtk2/gnome2.

    I know I've compiled the correct driver for my Creative SoundBlaster
audio card into kernel (snd_ens1371),
have selected all ALSA options and deselected OSS ones .. but there is
something I have missed ...

    Any ideas ?


P.S. Thunderbird 1.5 with the BlackJapan theme is impressive ...

Michael Fox wrote:
> SO you got ethernet working? :)
> On 1/7/06, Adam Felix Bogacki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Thanks Michael,
>> I ran 'make menuconfig' a number of times until there were no error
>> messages after
>> 'make modules_install' and went through the usual process until after
>> reboot I able to do
>> 'Tux:~# /etc/rcS.d/S40networking start'
>> and go straight into 'apt-get update' and 'apt-get -f upgrade' successfully.
>> The upgrade was big and took a long time. I had noticed some instability
>> on what looked like
>> a malformed screensaver so I kept tapping the spacebar as the upgrade
>> moved into the install phase.
>> At one stage I had to leave the keyboard briefly and on returning found ..
>> [xxx.xxxxxx] rivafb_pan_display START   [xxx.xxxxxx] rivafb_pan_display
>> [xxx.xxxxxx] rivafb_pan_display END        [xxx.xxxxxx]
>> rivafb_pan_display END
>> [xxx.xxxxxx] rivafb_pan_display START   [xxx.xxxxxx] rivafb_pan_display
>> [xxx.xxxxxx] rivafb_pan_display END        [xxx.xxxxxx]
>> rivafb_pan_display END
>> [xxx.xxxxxx] rivafb_pan_display START   [xxx.xxxxxx] rivafb_pan_display
>> [xxx.xxxxxx] rivafb_pan_display END        [xxx.xxxxxx]
>> rivafb_pan_display END
>> [xxx.xxxxxx] rivafb_pan_display START   [xxx.xxxxxx] rivafb_pan_display
>> [xxx.xxxxxx] rivafb_pan_display END        [xxx.xxxxxx]
>> rivafb_pan_display END
>> .. covering the screen, [xxx] being digits rapidly cycling upwards.
>> I have been trying various boot parameters to disable 'rivafb' without
>> success, including
>> debian/installer/framebuffer=false
>> video=vga16:off
>> console=ttys0
>> console=tty1
>> Also, the font is really tiny and I've tried to introduce arguments to
>> suit 1024x768
>> 'fb1024' works on the Gentoo-based Rescue CD but not here, neither do
>> variants
>> including 'video=rivafb:1024' or 'rivafb=1024' .. but that is a minor point.
>> I've discovered that 'rivafb' is known to be incompatible with the
>> nvidia driver (I've just used
>> 'nv' previously), and since it is in the kernel the only fix is to
>> 'make menuconfig' -> Device Drivers -> Graphics -> Framebuffer (and
>> disable 'rivafb')
>> before 'make bzImage' and so on.
>> Successive 'init=1'  reboots get as far as passwd login before the
>> 'rivafb screensaver' kicks in ..
>> How does one disable it ?
>> Adam.
>> Michael Fox wrote:
>>> Modules from another kernel cannot and SHOULD NOT be used with a
>>> kernel version it dont match.
>>> ie.. if my kernel I am booted too is 2.6.11, then I can only use
>>> modules compiled for kernel 2.6.11, I cant copy modules from 2.6.x
>>> into the 2.6.11 tree and use them.
>>> It dont work like that.
>>> I suggest you compile your kernel again and confirm you have selected
>>> either the driver to be in the kernel or as a module for your ethernet
>>> card.
>>> Then issue the usual build process, making sure you also do make
>>> modules ; make modules_install, so that any drivers to be modules are
>>> compiled and populated into the correct location.
>>> On 1/3/06, Adam Felix Bogacki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Michael Fox wrote:
>>>>> cd /lib/modules
>>>>> ls -l
>>>>> Do you see a dir that matches your currently booted kernel? if so, cd
>>>>> into it and then go hunting in the correct dir for a module relating
>>>>> to network drivers and confirm you can see a matching driver for you
>>>>> tulip card.
>>>>> I had many of those cards some years back..
>>>> Thanks Michael ..
>>>> Tux: /lib/modules# ls
>>>> 0.0.0 2.4.18-bf2.4 2.4.25-1-686 2.6.14 2.6.5-1-686
>>>> Tux: /lib/modules/2.6.14# ls
>>>> build modules.ccwmap modules.inputmap modules.seriomap source
>>>> modules.dep modules.isapnpmap modules.symbols
>>>> kernel modules.alias modules.ieee1394map modules.pcimap modules.usbmap
>>>> by comparison
>>>> Tux: /lib/modules/2.6.5-1-686
>>>> boot modules.alias modules.ieee1394map modules.pcimap modules.usbmap
>>>> initrd  modules.ccwmap modules.inputmap modules.seriomap
>>>> kernel modules.dep modules.isapnpmap modules.symbols
>>>> I copied /kernel/drivers/net/tulip from 2.6.5-1-686 to 2.6.14 and 
>>>> rebooted, to get
>>>> Tux:~# /etc/rcS.d/S40networking restart
>>>> /etc/network/options is deprecated
>>>> grep: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.3: cannot open 
>>>> shared object file: No such file or directory
>>>> I noted that /lib.modules/2.6.14 had no 'boot' or 'initrd' directories - 
>>>> so I copied them from 2.6.5 .. but found
>>>> they were unable to be read in reboot error messages.
>>>> Tux:/lib/modules/2.6.5-1-686/kernel# ls
>>>> arch crypto drivers fs kernel lib net security sound
>>>> *** .. these directories were also missing in /lib/modules/2.6.14  ***
>>>> I downloaded the .debs for libstdc++5, libpcre3, and libpcre3-dev to 
>>>> WinXP, and moved and opened them in
>>>> /home/adam/, did 'ln -s /usr/lib/libpcre.so.3 /usr/lib/libpcre.so.0' ..
>>>> only find the old SIOCSIFADDR, SIOCSIFNETMASK, and SIOCSIFBADDR messages 
>>>> appearing when doing
>>>> Tux:~# /etc/rcS.d/S40networking restart
>>>> and libpcre.so.3 still not being recognised in error messages on reboot.
>>>> I think the only thing to do now is a 'make menuconfig' again (it works, 
>>>> I'd forgotten the 'make' part)
>>>> and recompile (perhaps using 'make oldconfig' or 'make silentoldconfig'), 
>>>> making sure to include tulip,
>>>> before doing 'make' or 'make bzImage' and 'make modules_install' before
>>>> /home/adam/linux-2.6.14/arch/i386/boot cp bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.14
>>>> and re-running lilo before reboot.
>>>> The difference this time is that I'll be operating from my own fs rather 
>>>> than possibly confusing things
>>>> between my own fs and that of a LiveCD ..
>>>> I thought I'd run this past you before proceeding .. in the next day or so.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Adam.
>>>>> On 1/1/06, Adam Felix Bogacki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>> Michael Fox wrote:
>>>>>>> On 12/31/05, Adam Felix Bogacki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> When trying to connect via
>>>>>>>> Tux:~# /etc/rcS.d/S40networking restart
>>>>>>>> I get error messages including
>>>>>>>> SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
>>>>>>>> SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device
>>>>>>>> SIOCSIFBRDADDR: No such device
>>>>>>>> I understand these are  kernel modules, although one man page I've seen
>>>>>>>> (to do with Mac's) says that they are now deprecated.
>>>>>>>> I've compiled 2.6.14 - although my earlier kernels seem to have been 
>>>>>>>> taken out by an OOPS
>>>>>>>> - and have my original 8 disk Woody 3.0 set using 2.4.* ..
>>>>>>>> Which .deb pkg contains these .. or can you suggest a more elegant way 
>>>>>>>> to do this ?
>>>>>>> My guess is your "ifconfig" output will show nothing but loopback 
>>>>>>> device.
>>>>>>> The problem you encountered is you dont have an ethernet driver loaded
>>>>>>> (either as a module or in the kernel itself).
>>>>>>> Network drivers (along with other drivers) be compiled in the kernel
>>>>>>> directly or as a loadable module.
>>>>>>> What network card is it, and do you have the option in your kernel
>>>>>>> selected to compile it int the kernel or as a module [M]. If as a
>>>>>>> module, did you compile the modules after you compiled your kernel? cd
>>>>>>> /usr/src/linux ; make modules; make modules_install
>>>>>>> Hopefully this gives you something to go on.
>>>>>> Thanks, Michael.
>>>>>> I have two NetGear 10/100 PCFA310TX Ethernet cards (eth0 & eth1), the
>>>>>> machine acting as a server for a
>>>>>> one thin thin client via ltsp.
>>>>>> I'm keen to get connectivity for a dist-upgrade after what might have
>>>>>> been an OOPS wiping out two kernel images
>>>>>> and leaving GUI terminals without text. Init 1 works, but changing to
>>>>>> init 3 takes me into GUI where Alt-Ctrl-F*
>>>>>> does not seem to work.
>>>>>> From Google, I believe the appropriate driver to be tulip for Debian [&
>>>>>> RTL8139 for M$XP].
>>>>>> I compiled it using menuconfig in /home/adam/linux-2.6.14* .. I've
>>>>>> mostly compiled into the kernel, occasionally
>>>>>> choosing the modules option - it's active.
>>>>>> I compiled the modules after compiling the kernel .. details below.
>>>>>> At the moment, in init 1, I get
>>>>>> Tux:/usr/src/linux# make modules
>>>>>> make : *** No rule to make target 'modules'. Stop
>>>>>> Also, If I try menuconfig (or xconfig) I get ':command not found'.
>>>>>> I'm trying to tackle this one problem at a time but am feeling a bit
>>>>>> lost at the moment.
>>>>>> Adam
>>>>>> Some background ...
>>>>>> when I got in after the OOPS I could not find either 2.4.25 or 2.6.5
>>>>>> kernels.
>>>>>> I had the Gentoo-based SystemRescue CD and downloaded and burnt the
>>>>>> Gentoo LiveCD, hopefully for more features..
>>>>>> I kept trying mkinitrd but kept getting caught with various error 
>>>>>> messages.
>>>>>> I came to the conclusion that I had to recompile the kernel, but since I
>>>>>> had already unpacked the latest kernel - 2.6.14 - in
>>>>>> /home/adam I decided to proceed with that with the file system mounted
>>>>>> on the Gentoo LiveCD.
>>>>>> After menuconfig I did
>>>>>> make bzImage
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> make modules
>>>>>> but had problems with 'make modules_install',
>>>>>> livecd linux-2.6.14 # make modules_install
>>>>>> mkdir: cannot create directory '/lib/modules/2.6.14': Read-only file 
>>>>>> system
>>>>>> make: *** [ _modinst_ ] Error 1
>>>>>> .. which I attributed to its using the CD fs.
>>>>>> I considered the possibility of bypassing this via
>>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/adam/linux-2.6.14/arch/i386/boot cp bzImage
>>>>>> /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.14
>>>>>> and re-running LiLo before doing 'modules make_install' from within my
>>>>>> own fs
>>>>>>  I finally managed to boot into my own drive and
>>>>>> Tux: /home/adam/linux-2.6.14# make modules_install
>>>>>> if [ -r System.map -a -x /sbin/depmod ] ; then /sbin/depmod -ae -F
>>>>>> System.map 2.6.14; fi
>>>>>> Tux: /lib/modules# ls
>>>>>> 0.0.0 2.4.18-bf2.4 2.4.25-1-686 2.6.14 2.6.5-1-686
>>>>>> Tux: /lib/modules/2.6.14# ls
>>>>>> build modules.ccwmap modules.inputmap modules.seriomap source
>>>>>> modules.dep modules.isapnpmap modules.symbols
>>>>>> kernel modules.alias modules.ieee1394map modules.pcimap modules.usbmap

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