On 1/20/06, Lithion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I average about 8 recordings a day. I found that there was a pattern of
> recordings that caused grief the most. For example I would overlap the

Not sure how many I do a day, although sometimes are not so busy, but
then others are. I am still really testing it. The box is just as I
stated previously sitting under my desk doing recordings and then
letting me watch stuff back or convert it.

Soon as I get my new Athlon X2 in april I will reinstall the system
again (and do some custom changes to the system that I see will
benefit the setup I am runnning). At the moment the box dual boots (as
I have a small XP Pro install so I can still play Battlefield 2
online, although can only play it in the evenings I am not taping
something or dont mind not taping X show in preference of playing a
game or two).

> Doctor Who recordings so the 6:00pm recording would end at 6:35 and the
> 6:30 Doctor who would start early by 5 minutes. With this pattern I
> would have a failure every second day, but not when the tv guide
> grabber stopped working. I think there is a timing issue because the
> log says that it cannot get any data from the capture card just after a
> complicated scheduling cycle. I also found that the backend would not
> record without the frontend starting up.

I cant say I have found a pattern as to some recordings showing as
filesize B in the mythweb frontend. It's only happened 3 times in over
4 weeks. It's not happened lately in over a week. *shrugs*

> To get around many of my problems I wrote a script that would
> automatically restart mythbackend if it crashed and wrote another
> script that monitors the mythbackend log so that if there is a problem
> it will restart mythbackend. But, come to think of it if there is a
> timer problem then the excessive logging could be causing problems.
> That feature you describe is really cool regarding the extending of the
> recording. Channel 9 is worst regarding schedules! I think that the new
> release will be comming out in a month or two looking at the bug
> tracking website. However they did a rewrite of code I believe that is
> related to DVB and there are new bugs that have been flowing from these
> changes. Apparently changing channels in DVB is meant to be much faster
> (and hopefully more reliable).

Channel 9 is hopeless. I recorded something the other night late and
it was a good 10mins out. So I missed the start. That makes me
unhappy. Although it was just a repeat of something that sounded
interesting. It would be nice if the channels would run as close to
time as possible.

> Something to look forward to.

My 0.18-1 setup is not too bad, I am guessing earlier versions would
be alot more problematic, but I believe this setup is more an
advantage to me then without it. As how else could I have my own
personal recordings happening as required from an ever updating tv
guide. It suits me well, as I hate confirming recordings each week
incase the tv channels decide to program something on a different day
and time.

I am probably beginning to sound like a mythtv pimp, although I was
very happy that I got it working and without much hassles in the end.
These tuners I got work well for me. So glad about that.
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