>On Fri, 2006-02-17 at 08:24 +1100, Benno wrote:
>>On Fri Feb 17, 2006 at 08:14:07 +1100, ashley maher wrote:
>>>Anybody know the ball park for grad programmers these days in Sydney?
>>I'm not sure, it would totally depend on experience, and skills,
>>and not all graduates are made the same, but maybe ~$50k.
>No graduate is worth $50K.
>$30K if you have some experience at programming at Uni.
>$40K if you got good marks specifically with the languages that they
>$45K if you have great marks and specific knowledge, understanding of
>the processes and can demonstrate it in an interview.

I have just graduated, and my friends and I are on between 40k - 50k.
The highest I heard was 74 k US, to live in the US and work for
Microsoft. I did a four year degree and most of the people I know are
smart so maybe those figures are skewed. I've certainly heard that 30k
is the norm for IT graduates.

I found it was quite difficult to get a job but that those that were
offered were mostly very good. The competition out there is ridiculous
for graduate positions and some of the bullshit they expect you to put
up with is ridiculous. I would get calls the day before hand about major
interviews which gives you no time to prepare or get time off work. At
some places you spend 4 hours completing psychometric surveys to cull
people, and while those surveys are accurate to some degree the level to
which they are used was astounding to me. In one process we were told
that 95% of people had been cut by these surveys.

I picked my job because I liked it rather than the salary. I hope it
pays off.

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