Dear Sluggers,

here is my spiel for vice president.

Could somebody please tell me whether I have paid my dues for this fin year - 
if I haven't, I assume paying it at the AGM will be good enough.

Linux has hit the mainstream, but people are not aware of it. Even if we cannot 
claim to have won the Desktop - Linux rules on servers and new businesses (the 
clueful ones anyway) know this. More broadly than Linux even: the clueful new 
world is run by open source software.

We are moving into a new aera on this planet and Australia has a competitive 
advantage to lose. We have here in Australia a large set of brilliant open 
source coders and we have excellent system administration skills on open source 
and Linux in particular. We as SLUG have a lot of technical knowledge to share 
with Sydney businesses, a lot of education to do with the public, schools, 
governments, and businesses, and even with the evil guys that fund new 

As SLUG we must also not forget our technical roots and continue to discuss and 
develop our own knowledge and experience without which the community of geeks 
will break apart.

If we can cover both dimensions - technical and education - with universities, 
schools, businesses and the public eye, we can get SLUG to grow into this new 

If I can make a small contribution in SLUG as a vice president through helping 
with the setting of directions, with technical speakers, with events, I'd be 
happy. But don't expect me to be present on irc #slug or on the slug mailing 
list - I am a busy person and the uptake of Annodex and getting the video 
recording & transmission working for LCA 2007 will be my main priority for the 
next year.


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