On Sat, 2006-03-25 at 15:21 +1100, O Plameras wrote:
> 2. USENET accepted it even before Linux and still accepts it.
>     Linux inherits the traditions and legacies of USENET.

Good for usenet. Usenet also accepts naked pictures, stories about sex
and illegal software, should the SLUG list do this as well?

> 5.  Wikipedia and over 5million articles say RTFM is OK.

You have personally checked all 5 million articles?

> 6.  Other people on this list don't mind RTM.

Good for them.

> 7. Linux is promoting open and unhindered discussions
>     including the use of validated and accepted tools over
>     the years. RTFM is validated and accepted tool originally
>     used in USENET and other lists services.

Mate, Linux is a kernel. The community that has built up around the
kernel are a collection of hard core coders. The SLUG list has to cater
for a wide range of people, from complete novices and up.

> > * Yes, it is, and here's why: [...]
> >  
> >
> 1. RTFM word itself is rude.

In the context it was used, yes it was.

> 2. Because J. Waugh speaks for others

I am perfectly capable of speaking for myself, and in fact have done, as
have others.

> 4. Slug Committee sides with J. Waugh

If you don't like this, stand for the committee and ask the membership
to make a choice. Participatory democracy is a wonderful thing.

> 5. Other people on this list don't like RTFM.
> 6.  Three posters made abusive language.
> > * <meltdown>
> >
> >This isn't censorship. There haven't been (many) personal attacks until much
> >later in the thread. This isn't fascism. 
> >

Frankly much of what you have written seems either designed to provoke a
reaction (troll type behaviour) or further a vendetta you seem to have
against Jeff and others on this list. But then again, that is also
standard Usenet behaviour so at least you are being consistent.

> Behavioural standards are developed over many years. RTFM had a rough
> time but this is in the past. As pointed out RTFM has become an accepted 
> tool
> not only in the original USENET groups but it is now used by technical and
> professional groups including other list groups that are truly open and
> freedom loving. I sometimes here people say the word RTFM in functions
> and gatherings of the non-technical nature. This shows that we continously
> evolve as social beings and not rigid minded societies.

Let me reiterate a point that has been made over and over again. SLUG is
not Usenet. Much as Australian society as changed dramatically from the
original protestant english culture at the foundation of the colony of
New South Wales. SLUG has evolved to match its own unique requirements.
Whoa societal evolution in action, who'd a thunk it.

> The behavioural standards favoured by GPL loving people is much toward
> the open, accepting of diverse attitudes and opinions, tolerant, and not
> hindering and restricting especially when the point under discussion is a
> validated and accepted tool of the trades.
> If you are not one of them, you are just a pretend GPL loving person.

This is something you seem to share with our MIT friend. GPL is not a
religion, nor is it a document on which to base one's life philosophy.
It's a software license and as such as as much impact as the law gives

This is my last post to you on this matter. In keeping with the
traditions of Usenet (as you wish we would) I shall now call you a nazi
and invoke Godwins law.
James Purser
Producer/Presenter - Linux Australia Update
http://k-sit.com - My Blog
http://la-pod.k-sit.com - Linux Australia Update Podcast,Blog and Forums
Skype: purserj1977

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

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