Del wrote:,
OK, since you want names, and dates:
thread by suggesting a switch to Ubuntu). 3/4/2006.

Thanks Del,

just a quick e-mail in support of the sentiment of your comments. I actually had considered adding a tag to my original posting asking that the Debian evangelists not bother to post a reply saying switch. So to those of you that say this isn't happening, sorry but it is.

However in defense of Martin I will say that his postings are generally well researched and very helpful.

I would also add support to your comments in regards to those that like to post a quick but incomplete answer with some vague pointer to some arbitrary documentation. This is just a subtle way of saying RTFM (and let's not start that debate again). To those of you who tend to do this please stop. There are lots of people on this list with vast experience, but who tend to post a quick glib reply, possible because they have seen the problem over and over and have forgotten how confronting the Linux environment can be. The result of this glib post behavior is that those of us with perhaps a little less experience but perhaps a bit more patience / empathy for the posters situation don't then bother to post a more complete answer (not wishing to expose our own short comings in the linux knowledge pissing contest that lists tend to degenerate into).

Please, slug you've been better than this and I'm sure can be better again in the future.

Yours in optimism


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