<quote who="Sonia Hamilton">

> * On Fri, Jul 07, 2006 at 01:57:31AM +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > The default software isn't clever enough to do this for you. However,
> > with a little help from Network Manager (install network-manager-gnome),
> > you will have a *very* pleasurable network switching experience; both
> > wifi and wired.
> Hey Jeff,
> I installed network manager, but I couldn't seem to find a way of
> configuring or running it. I had a look around with dpkg -L
> network-manager, couldn't see anything obvious. Is it just Friday
> afternoon & my brain has gone to sleep?

No, it's just a bit obtuse at the moment because it's not nicely integrated
for you. Run nm-applet (which is in network-manager-gnome). You should also
check that it is in your startup list (System > Preferences > Sessions).

- Jeff

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