On Sun, 2006-07-23 at 10:23 +1000, Nicholas Tomlin wrote:

> I installed Gnucash onto my machine initially but can't seem to get it to 
> run, 
> sure you can click it and it has the appearance of starting for a second but 
> then it disappears into hyperspace. I then thought to re-install it but ran 
> into another problem:

> It starts on it and then asks me to put the 'Ultimate desktop CD/DVD' in the 
> drive, to which I go 'WTF - I thought it was already in there?'

So I found it a lot easier to get urpmi (the program behind the thing
you're clicking on) to pull packages from the network rather than from
disks. My recollection is that you need the automounter to work to use
disks, and it very rarely did.

Let me know if you need help with this; I don't recall the details right
now. I remember their being a tool where you could tell it what
country's mirrors to use and it would set it up for you (I no longer
have a Mandrake machine around to try this on).

However, once you set it up to pull packages from the internet, ask it
to install again and hopefully it will pull down all the stuff you need.

If you still have it doing the same thing, I'd suggest starting gnucash
from a terminal. Then it will spit out some error messages if there's a
problem starting it. If we can get those messages it would help in
diagnosing whatever problem you initially had.



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