This one time, at band camp, Christopher Martin wrote:
>I'm new to the SLUG list, so I was wondering about protocols of asking
>questions on the list. I checked out the FAQ on the SLUG page but
> resulted in "Page not found".
>Is the main list about SLUG business only, or should questions be sent

Linux, open sores, and questions of a technical nature are all on topic for
the main list.

>If here is the right spot, maybe someone can help me...
>I'm tinkering with a few storage setups, and I am having the Google effect
>trip me up: too many false positives!
>I have two scenarios I am interested in.
>1) If I build a software RAID on a machine can I present that out a SCSI
>port? So, rather than the machine appear as a host on the SCSI bus it
>appears as a disk, which is in turn the RAID? If there is, anyone know if
>you can do out an FCAL or fabric FC port?

I don't know if you can present a Linux block device back out a SCSI
controller... the closest thing I know of that you can do this with is
i-scsi, i.e. present the block device over the network.  I haven't actually
done anything with i-scsi though, so can't help you further.

>2) Can I use a chunk of disk space as a virtual tape drive using for free?
>There are plenty of commercial options around, and I was just hoping there
>was an open source alternative.

AMANDA ( ) has support for what it calls vtapes, i.e.
using a set of directories in place of physical tape.  There's plenty of
howtos on the website on setting it up.
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