On 31/07/2006, at 2:34 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


my customer has said:

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- When you have a minute can you please configure our apache server error
pages to not list the webserver build and operating system as it is a
security risk.

For example if I go to www.edc.com.au/fred I get the following information

Apache/2.0.53 (Linux/SUSE)
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- I can conceive if being a slight risk, in that 'don't bother with all the
winders files.
Am I naive, is there a risk letting the world know WHAT os and web server you

I've noticed in recent months that certain security audit tools will list this as a security risk, and as such customers are following the recommendations from audits. So they are asking to have this stuff disabled/removed from view.

I guess its not a bad idea to remove it, and at the end of the day gives anyone looking less information about the system to work with. How much a risk it is, thats anyones guess. But like I said, its one less bit of information someone looking at the system remotely has to work with.
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