Last time I checked, cron.daily is called with a line similar to this:

25 6    * * *   root    test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily

In other words, it gets run once per day.

cron.daily is a great place to put things that should happen once each day, but you don't care particularly when they happen. It's a terrible place to put things that should happen just once, but at a particular time of day.

/etc/crontab is one place you could put your job; another would be the personal crontab for the root user (or even better: give a less-privilived user access to /sbin/shutdown via passwordless sudo, and put the command in that user's crontab).

I'd consider using at(1) rather than cron(8) though:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ whatis at
at (1)               - queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution

On 8/14/06, Dean Hamstead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
cron.daily is run from crontab, either will be ok


bill wrote:
> I have mythdora ( Redhat FC4 based) running more or less - at least t
> the degree that I can record TV programs.
> I want to auto-shutdown the PC after recording has finished.
> Googling gives plenty of links/info, which often is contradictory.
> Basically, I believe that I need to put an entry such as
> 00 20 14 08  mon root /sbin/shutdown -h now
> (to shutdown the PC at 10PM this evening - 20/08/06)
> in EITHER:-
> /etc/crontab
> or
> /etc/cron.daily
> Which is correct please?
> Thanks
> Bill

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