On Saturday 19 August 2006 22:09, elliott-brennan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hi All,
> This likely has a simple answer, but it's not one
> that readily appears to me.
> Almost, if not every time, I post to slug-chat, I
> get a message back saying:
> "Your message to slug-chat awaits moderator approval"
> and
> "Your mail to 'slug-chat' with the subject
>      Query regarding FOSS and NSW Department of
> Education
> Is being held until the list moderator can review
> it for approval.
> The reason it is being held:
>      Message has a suspicious header"
> Invariably my message is posted; however I'm
> curious as to what I can do to prevent his occurring.
> Could someone be kind enough to explain this to me
> please?
> Many thanks for any assistance provided.

I don't know what was so suspicious about your message headers, but I have 
approved it for posting to the list.

Sridhar Dhanapalan
  {GnuPG/OpenPGP: http://www.dhanapalan.com/yama.asc
   0x049D38B4 : A7A9 8A02 78CB AB1B FCE4 EEC6 2DD9 249B 049D 38B4}

"As history shows a lot of [Microsoft] ActiveX components are buggy and new 
version is released. The interesting part is the buggy version is still 
really signed and available in one form or another."
  - Georgi Guninski, security expert, http://www.guninski.com, 2002-02-14

Attachment: pgpdlIyI9JxkY.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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