On Wed, Aug 23, 2006 at 10:05:57AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The magic of ssh applies:
> The remote person sshs to you from somewhere either to your static or (quick 
> phone call: victory = 10c/min to USA!) your dynamic address
> them: ssh -R 1200:localhost:22 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> me:   ssh -p 1200 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Bing! Hello!

Ohh yeah that beats my netcat.

Although you may as well just forward telnet; ssh over ssh could
be a little slow. So:

them: enable telnet, restrict to localhost with /etc/hosts.allow or xinetd.conf 
or iptables..
        then ssh -R 1200:localhost:23 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

me:   telnet localhost 1200
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