This one time, at band camp, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
>Voytek Eymont wrote:
>> thanks, Andrew
>> unfortuantly, it seems my user does have vulnerable version of Joomla...
>> clearly he is not following Mambo/Joomla advisories...
>If you allow your users to install their own versions of X, then
>your distribution's patching mechanism is bypassed and you have
>no way of easily keeping up to date with patches.
>One way of dealing with this is to make each user run in a 
>chroot/UML/Xen/whatever instance so that when their environment
>is compromised it only affects them and not everyone else on
>the machine.

chroot/UML/Xen is not the hammer for this screw :)  Anchor has survived for
6 years without a root compromise, allowing customers to install their own
buggy unpatched versions of code, and all running on an unvirtualised

You can add yourself the overhead of Xen for a shared hosting environment,
but it's not necessary when you take the time to use a simple privilege
separation technique, e.g. mod_suexec.
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