
Thanks for confirning that it's the right service for me to use.

Phil Scarratt wrote:
I've used the MailHop Outbound service in the past and you are correct...but why not use a GMail account? The instance where I was using the MailHop Outbound service, I replaced with a gmail account satisfactorily.

I have a gmail account but I rarely use it. I get all my mail in via fetchmail and read it with mutt and then I want to reply to something from mutt by just hitting reply. Copying from mutt into any other email system is a pain and I shouldn't be doing silly things like that. I need to do some work and get it setup correctly.

BigPond so far as an ISP is fine. Just had it 3 months now. I did come from dialup land :-)

I notice that dyndns have setup guides for exim. I'm using mutt on my Debian laptop and exim is on it to but I don't use it and its never been configured. I presume I would configure exim so mutt sends via exim.

Michael Lake
Computational Research Support Unit
Science Faculty, UTS
Ph: 9514 2238

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