Actually, si and so refer to entire processes being swapped, not
paging traffic, so they'll never be non-zero on a modern Linux system.

I'm not sure what type of Linux system you're using, but this is not true at
least for what's in front of me (FC6)

$ vmstat 1 10000
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system--
r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id
wa st
7  0 127804  20536   5324 194084    0    0     0     0  628 2902  3  2 95
0  0
9  0 127804  21436   5324 194084    0    0     0     0  624 2989  5  2 93
0  0
5  0 127804  21592   5324 194092    0    0     8     8  763 4296  9  2 89
0  0
9  0 127804  21592   5324 194092    0    0     0     0  732 3487  4  2 94
0  0

no problem here, lets start loading some memory hungy java apps + OOo:

procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system--
r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id
wa st
7  1 133288  17172   2888 180664    0    0  1812     0  887 5248 19 10  0
71  0
11  2 133340  15504   2948 183048    0   68  6940   214  912 5036 20 11  0
69  0
11  2 134112  18284   2768 181512    0 4192  4364  4288  899 4763 33 18  0
50  0
5  1 134620  18320   2796 182172    0  552  2436   552  891 4139 28 13  0
59  0
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system--
r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id
wa st
10  1 134620  14632   2812 185720    0    0  3568     0 1003 4102 53 11  0
36  0
12  0 136184  16424   2844 186920   32 1564  2152  1564  904 4112 87  9  0
4  0
3  1 136184  15764   3032 187588   92    0   932    12  920 3753 73  4  0
23  0
5  1 141548  18784   3156 187160   64 5848   296  5848  944 6262 65  9  0
26  0

blocks are swapped out, as we should expect.. this gets boring pretty quick,
but yes, lots of blocks are swapped out, so lets start quitting:

procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system--
r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id
wa st
5  3 206088 320832   4872 178240 3040    0  4812    28  867 1789  7  5  0
88  0
4  1 206088 316068   4872 178228 4812    0  4812     0  904 2477 12  3  0
85  0
3  0 206088 310436   4880 178224 6296    0  6296    12  963 2121 16  3  0
81  0
2  0 175776 384348   4884 178224 1152    0  1192    30  847 2744 24  3 59
14  0
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system--
r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id
wa st
2  0 175776 384420   4892 178220    0    0     0    44  587 1436  2  4 94
0  0
2  0 175776 384420   4900 178212    0    0     0    86  564 1437  2  0 98
0  0
2  0 175776 384472   4904 178316    0    0   100    13  662 1640  1  1 96
2  0

blocks are swapped back in, as expected

On 2/25/07, Peter Chubb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>>> "Sonia" == Sonia Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Sonia> * On Thu, Feb 22, 2007 at 04:16:04PM +1100, Peter Hardy wrote:

Sonia> <correct me if I'm wrong> vmstat is your friend. A figure
Sonia> consistently > 0 for the so column (swap out) often indicates
Sonia> problems. My understanding is the memory manager in 2.6 will
Sonia> use a lot of swap on purpose.  </correct me if I'm wrong>

$ vmstat 5 5
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system--
r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in    cs us sy id
0  0  65580  12984 155944 302520    0    0     5     8    3     2 11  1
86  2

Actually, si and so refer to entire processes being swapped, not
paging traffic, so they'll never be non-zero on a modern Linux system.
Dr Peter Chubb  peterc AT           ERTOS within National ICT
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