Don't know about 3G or using mobile phone's for Net access, but I too had a CDMA phone ( transferred from GSM for better reception 3 years ago after moving home)., and none of the following is really relevant to the above post.

When I received Telstra's email re discontinuance of CDMA I did a LOT of research re carriers and phones.

Discovered on Telstra's web site that they had FREE handset ( 2 choices) for CDMA Customers to switch to GSM..

I got a Sagem Myc2-3 handset for Free, had my phone number swapped and even had my prepaid expirey extended by 2 years. Telstra obviously desperate to keep customers. Deal now gone - handset costs $50 now.

Thought Sagem phone was crap because I couldn't hear ring-tone, but discovered that some included tones were much louder than others. Switched tones and am now keeping phone for present.

Sagem phone has Net access etc, none of which I use as I only utilise phone for receiving calls. Definitely don't need 3G, even when it "soon" becomes available as pre-paid.

Telstra assured me that GSM will be around for a long while ( if you believe that, then you'll believe anything).

Just posted this for info as it may suit some people as an interim FREE solution while they investigate other alternatives.

Also, swapped my Mum to Virgin prepaid as she makes only a few short calls a week, and Telstra have halved their pre-paid periods ( effectively doubling the price for low-usage customers).


[SLUG] Bigpond NextG on Linux (Ubuntu)?
Sonia Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tue, 17 Apr 2007 22:21:24 +1000


I've been using Telstra's Maxon CDMA for internet access while on the
road - slow, semi-reliable. The Telstra phone bunnies are telling me
it's time to upgrade to NextG.

I've had a google around on Whirlpool, pulled up this Quozl's guide at
[1], which seems to indicate it works; I'm interested in ppl's
experiences before I take the plunge and submit myself to the next round
of Telstra pain...


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