This may be not relevant enough for you -- I'm still running Edgy.
I will be moving to Fiesty around Tuesday after my last exam.

Presumably you need an AGP card if you currently run an old Matrox card??

I currently use a Geforce 5600 series card. Yes its quite old now.

I haven't had any issues with it. I use the proprietary nvidia driver.

It does 3d chess just fine.

I did fiddle with Beryl for a while but with all the eye candy turned on it was a little bit laggy. Mostly I just didn't like the way it handled window edge detection. The cube would start to spin around when I reached for the window close button.

I can't comment on virtual box.

It drives my 21" monitor at 1600x1200 at 24 bit and 85 Hz refresh very nicely.


Gav wrote:
Hi all,

Could anyone recommend a low to midrange graphics card for box running
Ubuntu Feisty. Want to run applications like 3d Desktop, 3d chess,
virtualbox etc. Not really for high end games. Present 32mb matrox card
is really struggling.


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