I absolutely HATE shell-integration, so I avoid TortoiseSVN.

I'm using RapidSVN, which is standalone, native, entirely standalone, relatively fast.

It's pretty much the functional equivalent of what WinCVS was for CVS.

One and a half thumbs up. The only problem with it is that it sometimes gets a bit agressive reading metadata, so some operations, like listing a directory with a lot (160 in my case) of subdirectories is a bit slow.

But for people that don't like shell integration, Rapid seems to be the obvious choice.

Adam K

Amos Shapira wrote:

I'm trying to convince the windows programmers at my workplace to adopt
SubVersion instead of Source(Un)Safe (which they already hate anyway) but
the best Windows GUI client I found is TortoiseSVN which the programmer
doesn't like because it relays on Windows Exploder which can get stuck for
minutes sometimes.

Another client I'm a bit familiar with is Eclipse, but it's Java and is
going to be heavy on a laptop with VisualStudio already running on it.

Using the command line tools looks very unattractive to them.

Can anyone recommend any other useful clients (preferably Free/OSS)?


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