jam wrote:

I think Thunderbird must be the worst GUI mailer I've ever used. In case baby-duck prevails and someone is able to set me straight, here are my woes:

Slug mail is a digest. I want to reply quoting a selected bit, snipping if need be. TB seems to not allow selection of the quoted reply text!

Using thunderbird out of the ubuntu repository without plugins. Thunderbird works better for me than evolution and syphleed, but I dont have big requirements.
I Hit reply and I can delete parts of quoted text.

There is no notification/biff. I do not want to download plugins and wossname, I just want live (mail open) or toolbar/taskbar notification that there is new mail. Seems to have none.

I get a system sound, could be customised, and number of messages is displayed beside the inbox. I have not seen a setting to open a window, but I dislike that sort of interuption.

I want to <click> dispose of spam. <click> == send to the account for bayesian learning, forwards to oz-spam-registry and utterley purges.
Seems 'write your own plugin'

clik junk and it goes to junk folder for Bayesian learning and is automatically purged from there in time.
Forward to x-spam registry I have not seen.


Gulp, only been using for a couple of days: should I recommend to friends/relies/customers. Pretty certain the answer is already no.

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