On Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 10:54:29PM +1000, Voytek Eymont wrote:
> >>> Did you get amavis and clamav from the standard Fedora/Redhat
> >>> repos?  If so you should raise a bug with them or mention on their
> >>> mailing lists.
> >> it seems yes, but I'll need to check the logs though
> > Better check before we go any further.
> it was from Centos and/or the like of Centos
> /var/log/yum.log.1:Dec 27 21:58:13 Installed: clamav-db.i386 0.88.7-1.el4.rf
> /var/log/yum.log.1:Dec 27 21:58:14 Installed: clamav.i386 0.88.7-1.el4.rf
> /var/log/yum.log.1:Dec 27 21:58:56 Installed: clamd.i386 0.88.7-1.el4.rf
> /var/log/yum.log.1:Dec 27 23:09:16 Installed: amavisd-new.i386 2.4.4-1.el4.rf
> # ls yum.repos.d
> CentOS-Base.repo  CentOS-Media.repo  mirrors-rpmforge  rpmforge.repo

The rf suffix means rpmforge.
I haven't had much luck with rpmforge myself.  I'd avoid them.

Try http://centos.karan.org/ - it's fedora4 extras rebuilt for centos.
Both clamav and amavis are there.

Better yet, install latest centos or fedora  ... or ubuntu even.

Now, I'm _sure_ you could fix the problem with some local
hacks.  But keep doing this and you'll end up with a 
frankenstein like your current rh7.3.


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