Blindraven wrote:
Alright, so today I was all prep and keen for a job interview (my first in a
year and a half) working with what seems like a pretty in.the.know team of
guys (Linux web-hosters/service providers). I get about half way through the
initial testing papers (before the verbal) and stumble upon this question
which just failed me - and then, in between stairing vaguely off in to the
distance and ignoring my at.the.time rambling mrs (something about guitar
hero 3.. not entirely sure there) I got it... but all to late.

Has anyone been in a situation where a mostly obvious/logical questions is
put forward but you are just to damn nervous to answer it and your brain
just halts and then begins to work so overtime the answer which is right in
front of you fails?

So here it is... don't laugh.

You are standing by a river, you have 2 jugs - one 5 gallons and the other
3, you need exactly 4 gallons. How do you go about achieving this?

First convert to litres as this is Australia.
Fill the 3L container.
Pour 3 litres into the 5 litre container.
Fill the 3L again and pour as much as will fit into the 5L.
( 1L will be left in the 3L container. )
Tip out the 5L.
Pour the 1L remaining from the 3L container into the 5L.
Now fill the 3L and then pour all this into the 5L.
Convert back to gallons.

Or you  can solve it with an open source expert system:

Michael Lake
Computational Research Support Unit
Science Faculty, UTS
Ph: 9514 2238

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