Crossover office trial version is supposed to be the same as the purchase version, just it runs out in 30 days, and there is less support. photoshop CS installed and ran similar to in wine but printing not working out of the box as in wine. This may just be that I havent installed printer /driver in wine/crossover yet.
flash mx fails to install
flash 4 installs but no tool palette, so not yet working.
premiere fails to install

these are the same results as for wine.
cross over just has nicer install wizard guis and puts menu items in your applications menu automatically, and you are buying a level of support on supported applications, which are the ones they know work (relatively short list on their website). Wine/crossover office is said to have benefited by recent interest of Hollywood animation studios in getting photoshop working on wine, so photoshop CS now works on wine despite it being on the list of applications that don't work on crossover offices website.

James William Dumay wrote:
For macromedia products it memory serves crossover office supports these out of the box.

Although not completely foss it might be worth looking at it

James Dumay

On Nov 27, 2007, at 3:15 PM, Ken Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Lisa uses ubuntu for some of her work and dual boots into windows xp mainly for adobe/macromedia photoshop, flash, premiere, after effects, director and sound forge. There is a bit she does on a mac as well. Often there is something that needs a visual tweak but she is back in linux. GIMP she finds hard as she knows photoshop and does not want to learn a second way of doing things. Gutsy upgraded GIMP from 2.2 to 2.4 which introduced some changes that were not liked so we tried GIMPshop but it didn't do what she wanted.

Wine has succeeded in installing and running but have not yet extensively tested photoshop CS. Director, and sonic forge installed and appear to work. Flash 5 installed but doesn't run. Premier installed but looks dodgy on a brief look. Flash MX and after effects failed to install. If these programmes could be run in wine or virtualisation then the need to switch back and forward between Operating systems in the middle of work flow would be removed.

My question is what of the half dozen available virtualisation system is going to be best for this collection of programmes? Does anyone have any experience?

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