Peter Rundle wrote:

I find myself working with a couple of people who are in love with MSN messaging and use it to collaborate. I've never used any sort of instant messaging and know nothing about it. Of course all the links that I get sent are to Microsoft only, "just download and install and it will create a hotmail account" etc, I.E as a Linux user, completely useless.

I have some chat client software on my machine gaim I think, but am totally clueless as to how to "create an account" get connected etc.

Google gives me lots of info about how to install WLM on windows but nothing about how to go about it on Linux and the Linux sites give lots of info on how to download their messaging client which supports MSN is more brilliant than the next and just set it up like Windows (Note to Linux developers, I don't use windows have hardly ever used windows and telling me to do it like I used to in Windows tells me nothing and also I don't have a windows box to download, install configure setup or create a messaging account on ).

Ive been in the situation, more than once, where I needed to 'succumb' to using the above.
Pidgin is great!

The problem you have is when you need to refer to the act of sending messages, everywhere referred to as 'msn' as in "I'll msn you <cringe>". It requires a bit of reeducation of your co-workers to get them using 'im' or 'message' as the verb )-:

Also, sending files via im is highly annoyingly slow. I often ask people to email me that file.

Another concern is the audit trail. My boss or others will ask me to do stuff and theyll 'im' me the details...

Good luck.
Post if you have probs.


So is there any slugger out there that will take pity and guide me through how to get "on-line" with messaging in as painless a way as possible. Links to howtos much appreciated, and a link to a real how it works would be super. The babble on google talks as if it's peer to peer but that's obviously not true, I guess there is a central server somewhere that handles the traffic (in the hands of some Microsoft wennie who no doubt reads all the post and creates profiles of the users to bombard them with spam, I'm not paranoid honest ;-) )

Many TIA's


Luke Vanderfluit
Analyst / Web Programmer
08 8221 6422
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