Daryl Thompson wrote:

# Move the conversion process into a function that can
# be called.
# The "&&" makes it so each step must be successful before

No, the && will not work as written. It must be used as a conjunction
on one command line, as in the following example:

    mplayer blah && lame goop

# the next step will be done.

function wma2mp3 () {
  if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
     echo "File $1 not found!"
     mplayer -ao pcm:file="${1%%.[Ww][Mm][Aa]}.wav" "$1" &&
     lame -h -b 192 "${1%%.[Ww][Mm][Aa]}.wav" "${1%%.[Ww][Mm][Aa]}.mp3"

The above && will not work as intended. Rather, you will see an error:

-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `&&'

     rm -f "${1%%.[Ww][Mm][Aa]}.wav" ||
     echo "There was a problem with the conversion process!"



p.s. as other posters have pointed out, "find" is your friend

Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services

Once a new technology starts rolling, if you're not part of the
steamroller, you're part of the road.
     -- Stewart Brand
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