Dear Rick and Felix,

1. Rick

Thank you very much. That's brilliant!!!

2. Rick

Hand that man a Kewpie doll!

Obviously! Why would I keep those little things just as Rick had written them??? I'm so used to editing weird little things like that at work that naturally I assume they're formatting errors here too!

What some people can do with MS Word is impressive in it's unintentional consequences %))

You can't believe how happy you've made me. I believe this form of video editing is available in things like Adobe Premier (I'm not certain, but I've 'heard'). However, I use Kino, GIMP, Avidemux, Gop Chop etc for my editing and dvdstyler etc for making the DVDs (I've got three kids). Many of the rels and friends who watch the videos (dunno why they've stopped coming around as much??? ;)) are impressed by what can be achieved (I know I am) but this was something I've struggled with working out for a while.

For those who recall, I posted this last time as the 'Brady Bunch' effect :)

I'm finishing off a video for my youngest child's naming day and this will be such a cool effect.

Again, thanks so very much, you help is greatly and warmly appreciated.



Re: [SLUG] looking for a command to automatically create sequentially numbered files
Felix Sheldon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sun, 09 Mar 2008 00:07:45 +1100


It looks like you might be using single quotes and not back-ticks (on the ~ key).

This works for me, with the echo in there at least.

for i in `seq 1 125`; do j=`printf %06d $i`; echo montage -geometry +4+4 a_$j.jpeg b_$j.jpeg c_$j.jpeg d_$j.jpeg montage$j.jpeg; done


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