Another year, another Annual General Meeting. Join us as we reflect upon the 
past twelve months, and look forward to the next.

This is a simple guide to how the AGM, elections and the rest of the meeting 
will be conducted, including ways to get involved in the elections process.

Before you continue, I suggest that you take a look at the announcements 
released about the March meeting[0], and more specifically the AGM[1]. These 
should provide the structure you may need to understand the rest of this 

The programme of the meeting is as follows:

* The SLUG meeting opens as per normal (18:30).
* Standard introductions are held.
* The Public Officer opens the AGM (18:45).
* The President (or representative) delivers the President’s Report.
* The minutes of the 2007 AGM are confirmed.
* The Treasurer (or representative) delivers the Treasurer’s Report.
* Constitutional changes are announced and voted upon[2]:
    # Motion: Changes to the process of becoming a member.
    # Motion: Creation of a corporate membership.
* Further nominations are taken. These can also be done throughout the
  voting process.
* The voting section of the AGM begins:
    # Voting happens for the positions in the following order:
      President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer,
      Ordinary Committee Member (x3).
    # The candidates are each offered 60 seconds to talk about themselves
      and what they want to do with their nominated SLUG position.
        o Candidates are only be allowed to speak once, unless they have
          anything significant to talk about for their nominated role that
          they did not cover in their first spiel.
* Once the AGM is over (approximately 19:30), an intermission is called.
* The meeting returns to the usual In-Depth/SLUGlets split (19:45).
* The meeting is called to a close (20:30), and we head off to dinner.

For the meeting, we will need:

* A SLUG member to volunteer to be a Public Officer.
* Candidates' nominations.
* SLUG members to attend and vote.

We will be needing a valued SLUG member to act as a Public Officer to moderate 
the meeting. Please make your interest known on the SLUG Activities list[3] 
(for the sake of transparency, it is preferable to keep communications 

Before you consider any candidates (including yourself), please consult our 
guide to participation in the SLUG Community[4]. Note that Committee 
membership is but one of many ways to contribute to SLUG. Committee 
membership does entail additional responsibilities to keep SLUG running 

Some guidelines about nomination:

* Nominate people via e-mail on the SLUG Activities mailing list[3].
* The subject header should take the form, "Nomination: $firstname $lastname
  for $position". For example, "Nomination: Tux Penguin for President".
* In the mail body, mention why the nomination should be considered by the
  SLUG membership.
* It would be preferable to get a potential nominee's permission before you
  put them forward as a candidate.
* A single person may be nominated for multiple positions.
* There is nothing preventing you from nominating yourself.

An election is nothing without people there to vote. If you're already a paid 
member, bring along your membership card. We will be taking memberships[5] on 
the night, so you will have the opportunity to sign up or renew to gain 
voting rights.

If you have any questions, please direct them to the SLUG Activities list[3] 
(again, we like to keep communications transparent), or straight to the 
Committee[6] you really feel the need to keep matters private.


"Maybe somebody else comes up with a better way to do it, or with a really 
compelling reason to. 'Feel free to try' is definitely the open source 
motto." - Linus Torvalds

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