DaZZa wrote:
No, I'm not being converted (shaddup David!)

I've been, erm, "asked" to work on a little embedded box that $POE is
trialling for a POS graphical display terminal.

Said device runs Debian - and has issues with running a graphics mode
higher than 1024x768.

Naturally, $POE want it at 1280x720 (widescreen 16:9 ratio)

It's running a bastardised/modified Debian Etch, as far as I can tell.

Now, for all you Debian lovers out there.

1) Is Etch recent, or behind the times? The box is from HP - model
available if required. it runs an ATI embedded card - shared video
graphics RAM with the motherboard, I believe
2) Is this mode even valid?
3) Anyone know the magic to get this working?



1) Etch focuses on stability and security - thus its a modern system, but not necessarily bleeding edge (where most bugs and security vulnerabilities are). Etch is an excellent choice for requirements demanding a stable, secure and well performing system.

2 & 3) Another script that might be useful to automatically install proprietary ATI video drivers is here:


I have used it successfully on Debian machines with NVidia and ATI cards running Lenny or Unstable branches, although I haven't tested it with Etch. Still, if you have had no luck so far maybe it is worth a shot.

TIP: You can only run the script from the console however (not from within X).

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