david wrote:
> I got this comment from another list (Cinepaint):
>         After the CinePaint problems I found several other difficulties that
>         would not resolve on my system and I have now abandoned this latest
>         Ubuntu release. ... much more comfortable!
> Has anyone else had any problems? I'm thinking of upgrading several machines.

For my basic purposes (web browsing, email, listening to music, irc'ing,
compiling the occasional program etc) 8.04 has been good to me since I
upgraded to it back in the alpha phase. The only real showstopper I ever
saw was some wacky gnome-settings-daemon/xrandr/compiz-related bug which
didn't affect me hugely since I'm using fluxbox as my window manager.
I'm pretty sure that one was resolved before the final release was
pushed out though.

There was even some annoying things that I couldn't fix in previous
versions that are sorted now without me having to do anything (for some
reason the NVIDIA driver didn't work properly for me in gutsy).

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