On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 10:31 AM, david <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I got this comment from another list (Cinepaint):
>         After the CinePaint problems I found several other difficulties that
>         would not resolve on my system and I have now abandoned this latest
>         Ubuntu release. ... much more comfortable!
>  Has anyone else had any problems? I'm thinking of upgrading several machines.

I upgraded my laptop to 8.04 from 7.10 and don't know if the upgrade
left the system at a broken state because of a local fault (I didn't
stay to watch it when it failed, and my wife may have drained the
battery), special setup (I use LVM) or simply because it's screwed. I
ended up re-installing from an image of rc1 and this is what I now
have on the laptop (I wanted the upgrade because of Firefox 3 and
Evolution which can actually talk to an Exchange server).

My desktop shows the upgrade button and starts it but just fails after
a long time and gets back to 7.10, so that's where it is right now.

A colleague who tried 7.10 because the Vista that he got with his
brand new laptop just Didn't Work (TM) was happy with it but when he
tried to upgrade nothing worked. I hope I won't loose another
Windows->Linux convert because of this.

So my conclusion for now - you might be better off waiting a little
until the wrinkles are sorted out.


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