On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 10:39 PM, Jeremy Visser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Sun, 2008-05-11 at 17:13 +1000, Amos Shapira wrote:
> > "Manual Configuration" only gives me the usual "Enable Roaming" option
> > for both wireless and wired networks, which doesn't seem to make a
> > difference?
> The roaming mode is meant to be checked. If Network Manager doesn't pick
> the change up straight away, don't go unchecking it. Just log off and
> log on again.

Already tried this, including a complete reboot.

> If it still doesn't work, go edit /etc/network/interfaces (I hope your
> distro has its config there), and delete every single line _except_ for
> the ones containing "auto lo" and "iface lo inet loopback". Log out and
> log in to see if it worked.

That's EXACTLY what I did after being advised the same thing on another
mailing list and now everything works. I didn't even have to restart NM or
anything - it just noticed the change in the file.

The strange thing is that I can't tell who the hell added the lines which I
removed. I'm sure I didn't. Could it be an older version of NM (this system
upgraded from Gutsy, and worked for two-three weeks under Hardy).

Another question:

All these troubles began when I tried to convince NM to talk to an Access
Point for which I had the pass key only as a hex string and I just didn't
accept it.
Is there some special trick to make it accept hex strings (as opposed to
"text" passwords which are then hashed with the ESSID or something)?


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