On Fri, 2008-06-13 at 08:44 +1000, Alex Samad wrote:
> Hi
> I am looking at expanding my disk space on my box. I have turned my eye
> to these little external boxes.
> I was wondering has any one else on the list used one of these.
> I was hoping to connect to it with esata (the reason for the lacie esata
> controller). A quick google brings me lots of adds to sell but no into
> on the controller and how I will see the drives.
> My initial thought is to have them in hardware raid1 ( I am going to
> raid them any way no need to flood the bus with twice the amount of
> traffic).  If i use raid1 and esata will linux only see one drive  and
> how do I tell if there is an error with the drive ?

don't know about this particular unit, but my experience of external
drives generally has been appalling to the point that I've given up.

Every external firewire/usb drive i've used has ended up giving me hard
drive failure, and in some cases heart failure. Other people whose
opinion I respect have come to the same conclusion. I get the impression
that the problem has to do with power supply on the external device, but
I haven't figured that out for certain.

I haven't used Lacies. Are they better?

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