On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 3:45 PM, Kenneth Caldwell
> Surely a fair die could have only 4, 6, 8, 12 or 20 faces.
> I guess one solution would be to throw three dice consisting of two
> octahedrons and a tetrahedron and multiply the results. Is there a more
> elegant solution?

You can have a fair die for any even number. Lots of roleplaying games
use ten-sided dice, which are a little like two five-sided pyramids
stuck together.

If you don't have a d16 handy, you could do something like this: Roll
a four-sided die, subtract one, multiply by four, roll a four sided
die, add to first number, subtract one.

Of course, the more interesting question is WHY!?!?!

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