On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 8:47 PM, Glen Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jonathan Lange wrote:
>> Of course, the more interesting question is WHY!?!?!
> Apologies, I had thought it was obvious.

You've missed the spirit of my question, I think. I looked only at
Kenneth's post and saw something that described a complex and (I
think) wrong way to generate a random byte.

More broadly, generating your wireless key with a cryptographically
secure RNG seems to me to be overkill for most people. Buying
specialty dice for it seems plain silly.[1] Flipping a coin eight
times doesn't take much longer than rolling 4d4, 2d16 or rolling 3d8
and dropping a bit, and saves you a trip to the shops.

Recent events have reminded us that randomness is just as important in
SSH key generation. I'd save my dice (and my time) for things that
actually guard my data.


[1] The last time I went dice shopping, I didn't see any d16s for
sale. They are uncommon even in the world of tabletop roleplaying.
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