I don't think you really want to allocate /var/run a huge amount of
dedicated diskspace, it's generally pretty damn small.. perhaps you should
remove the mount point so that /var/run is a part of /, and if you're using
LVM just throw the other 2Gb back into / as well

but the easiest thing is just to see if mondoarchive can be reconfigured to
use a different path

On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 5:11 PM, david <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've just installed Hardy server.
> mondoarchive uses /var/run for scratch files, but /var/run seems to be
> only 2Gig - I think it needs to be about 6Gig.
> How is the size of /var/run set? How do I change it?
> mondoarchive reports a "disk full" error. Below is the output of df just
> before it fails:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# df -k
> Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda1            232413680   7913004 212787688   4% /
> varrun                 2075552   2015572     59980  98% /var/run
> varlock                2075552         4   2075548   1% /var/lock
> udev                   2075552        32   2075520   1% /dev
> devshm                 2075552         0   2075552   0% /dev/shm
> /dev/shm                358400     78700    279700
> 22% /var/run/tmp.mondo.18309/tmp.mondo.30433/tmpfs
> thanks..
> David.
> --
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