"Tony Sceats" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>     Ah, now this all depends.  If /var/run was a normal disk filesystem
>     under Ubuntu you would be correct.  It isn't, though:
>     ] mount | grep /var/run
>     varrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=0755)
>     Note 'type tmpfs' there?  tmpfs is a swap backed ramdisk, essentially,
>     and like /var/lock is put there by Ubuntu to ensure that these
>     directories are cleaned at reboot without having to fuss about deleting
>     files or read-only filesystems.
> hey, that's pretty cool, can't say I'm familiar with tmpfs - does it
> pre-allocate the space or grow to the specified size as it needs to? 

Like ramfs it grows on demand, with a cap, rather than preallocating
space.  ramdisk is a reasonably inaccurate description of it, really,
because this is a purpose built ram backed filesystem rather than
emulating a block device.

> I ask because clearly 2Gb is an enormous amount of RAM/SWAP to spend
> on /var/run just so you don't have to clean it at boot time (which can
> be done trivially)

Heh, yes: it would be.

>> imho, 2Gb is either way too big or too small depending on what the computer
>> does.. try 'du -hs /var/run/*' to see what else is happening there - for me
>> it's usually less than 1Mb, but sometimes spools (eg, mail spools) will be
>> put there which will increase it a lot,
>     The mail spool lives under /var, but not under /var/run.  The FHS, in
>     fact, carefully defines the purpose of /var/run -- and that does not
>     include being scratch space for large processes.
> FHS aside (because I know you're right about it), I know I've seen
> spools there, there used to pretty much always be a /var/run/spool
> directory, and I know this has caused me problems, many moons ago now
> though, that's for sure, probably on RH6 or Debian Potato

Well, people do all sorts of crazy stuff, I guess.  I am not familiar
with any Unix that stuck spools under /var/run, but someone must have:
every /other/ sort of perversion has been tried by some Unix vendor or
others at some time.

>     Y'all should file a bug report indicating that Mondo should use /tmp or
>     /var/tmp to build big scratch files.
> Indeed, this would be very annoying, space aside - I'm not actually
> familiar with this app, but given the in-built inpermanence of
> /var/run, this seems like a very quick way to lose hours of hard work!

Mmmm.  Using a tmpfs there is reasonably new, and not yet popular, so on
most distributions /var/run is backed on the same media as the rest of
/var, for better or worse.

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