For me, this is a new although I gather it has been around for a few years.

I recently upgraded Ubuntu 6.06 to 8.04.
Before the upgrade I kept getting messages that there was not enough space
(much to my surprise).  I deleted old junk and did the upgrade.

NOW, I see the ALL my data is on just one partition of only 4GB. There are are 2 more (unused and empty) partitions of 4 and 57 GB that I would like to use. As I read up on the best way to bring them on board, I stumbled on the "new" concept of Logical Volume Management. Sounds very interesting. However every thing I have read about using it, assumes you are start with a fresh install. I have seen nothing about "converting" a current system to LVM.

Can any one offer some advise or recommend good reading material?

Chris Allen
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