
for some clarification please.

Peter Chubb wrote:
On Linux, BSD, Solaris, MacOSX or other Unices that are running X
locally, you do

$ ssh -f -X host xterm &

On the host you need to have
X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10

in /etc/ssh/sshd_config

## So to be clear on this;

The 2 X11 params above are set in sshd_confing on the host I wish to control (<controlled host>)?

From a Linux box, I would issue your above command; and from an OSX host, I can use the (which is I believe and Xterm application). Correct?

And providing you have xauth and xterm installed on the remote host,
you should get a local terminal window, from which you can run
anything you want.

## So these need to be installed on the <controlled host>?

You *won't* be able to run the window manager there (is that what you
mean by `The gui' ???).  It runs on your local machine.

## I can see the possibility for confusion here.

To be clear; My initial question has to do with running the <controlled host>'s desktop much like a VNC or RDP session. Which host it physically runs on, I don't suppose I really mind too much. So long as I can have it all running through std. corporately-available ports.

You should however be able to run anything else.

The way this works is that clients on the host talk to the SSH proxy
on that host which tunnels the protocol back to the display indicated by the
DISPLAY variable in ssh's environment on yo

## But if I understand your post correctly, you're telling me how to connect to a host and then run X-based applications displaying on my controlling host, but which are actually running from the <controlled-host>?

Kind Regards

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