Blindraven <> writes:

> Is there such a thing as a job that'd be willing to put someone
> through the starter ropes with Linux in a Junior SysAdmin role and
> whiz them of to places for certifications? (or not?)  Is this more of
> a dream then a reality?

Yes, and yes, probably.  Specifically, there are places in Melbourne
where I have worked in the past that might look to doing this, and I
presume that Sydney would be the same — mostly smaller businesses.

OTOH, especially in the current economic climate you are probably short
on luck: it is hard to get hired anywhere, and that isn't going to
change in the next few months.

On that basis anyone who needs extra hand-holding is going to be at a
significant disadvantage, so finding somewhere ... will be a challenge.

> I've heard time and time again people say employers prefer attitude
> and willingness to learn then a piece of paper, But is this just
> elitist fluff?

That doesn't entirely make sense: usually people call the requirement
for the degree "elitist fluff" rather than the willingness to overlook
the lack of a degree or certification. ;)

Anyway, um, generally employers vary wildly, but when hiring I have
always been of the opinion that a degree is a good sign but hardly the
be all and end all.[1]

Having a degree shows three things: first, that you can complete a
degree course at university, second, that you know how to study and
research things, and finally that you might have some vague knowledge
of the area you studied.

There are other ways to prove the same thing, but the degree is a good
shorthand, and when you have a hundred (or even thirty) resumes to
review it can be a useful first pass filter...

> One of the Junior roles I tried for quite some time ago in the city
> was one of the most depressing wank-shop's I've ever had the
> misfortune of embarrassing myself in

If you are hoping to have folks help you find somewhere you really want
to do one of two things here: either don't talk about it, or explain
what you mean.  Don't name names, obviously, but details count.

After all, I now have no idea how you embarrassed yourself, or why you
considered the junior role to be at a "wank-shop", but I have to wonder.

My first thought is to the various people I have worked with over the
years who had very high opinions of themselves.  When presented with
actual work, found that they were not able to perform, and concluded
that the employer or the job was at fault, not themselves...

Now, that is a terrible thing to think about someone and I have no
reason to believe that you *are* like that — but in the absence of any
facts the concern is hard to escape.

> since this interview I've just been to self concious to bother
> applying for anything else.

The secret to getting a job when you don't have a good set of academic
results, and you also don't have a lot of experience, is to apply for an
awful lot of jobs.

Most of them will reject you, but eventually you will get lucky and be
able to find something, then start building the experience you need to
show that you can, in fact, actually do things. :)

> Does anybody have any advice on good places to look for these types of
> roles?

Everywhere.  Seriously, talk to your friends and family, strangers you
run into at the cafe, read user groups, join SAGE-AU for the job list,
network, and generally apply for anything that looks interesting, no
matter what.

Be flexible, and willing to put up with less than perfect conditions, or
to do scut-work for a while to get experience, since you want
*something* to convince an employer to take a chance on you next time.

> I'm talking novice/intermediate administration, comfortable
> with bare CLI etc.

Publish a resume, and point people to it. :)


[1]  I don't have one myself, after all. ;)

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