We're getting a new box at work to host virtual machines, and I'm
trying to figure out what the best virtualisation solution might be.
The specs will very likely be a dual quad-core CPU with 32GB RAM,
running CentOS.

I'd like to have something that:

* is FOSS
* is easy to manage (I've got other responsibilities and don't want to
be bogged down with sysadmin work)
* can preferably also run on our Fedora 8 desktops, so we can share VM images
* can support a wide variety of guest OSs (especially Linux, Windows
and Solaris)

Most of my experience is with VMware, but that's proprietary. We've
got some Xen experience in the office, but this server will be managed
by me and quite frankly I find Xen to be overly complicated. KVM looks
very neat, in that it uses Linux as the hypervisor and so doesn't try
to be an OS unto itself. It's also Red Hat's preferred virtualisation
platform nowadays, which is great since we use a lot of Red Hat and


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