Hi Sridhar,

Do you know a way of converting a .lnx document, and its Jabref, to
Word for Windows and Endnote?

What a question! (I hear you say).

My supervisor wants me to send him my thesis as a Word .doc. so he can
make changes. But I like using Lyx and Jabref.

Is there some solution?



that it On Thu, 26 Mar 2009 21:40:46 +1100
Sridhar Dhanapalan <presid...@slug.org.au> wrote:

> Dear Sydney Linux Users Group members,
> This message is a reminder that the Sydney Linux Users Group will
> hold its Annual General Meeting of Members on Friday March 27th 2009
> (tomorrow!) at 07:00pm EDST at the Atlassian offices, 173-185 Sussex
> Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
> For a user-friendly guide to the AGM, see [0].
> Members unable to attend the meeting may raise issues for the
> committee to respond to either publicly, by mailing the SLUG
> Activities mailing list[1], or privately by mailing the Committee
> directly at commit...@slug.org.au.
> The agenda and summary for the meeting is as follows (also available
> online at [2]):
>   * President's welcome
>   * Confirmation of minutes of the 2008 AGM
>   * Presentation of financials for fiscal year ended 30 June 2008
>   * Election of 2009-2010 SLUG Committee
>   * General business, questions from the floor
>   * AGM close
> The minutes for the 2008 AGM are available at [3].
> Members interested in serving on the Committee are highly encouraged
> to nominate themselves for one or more positions. A significant number
> of existing committee members have indicated that they will not be
> running for re-election.
> SLUG membership is $15 for students, and $25 for everyone else. If you
> would like your membership cancelled so as not to receive further
> mails like this, please email commit...@slug.org.au indicating that.
> Voting will occur at the meeting by show of hands by financial
> members (identified by possession of a membership card). Members
> unable to attend in person may appoint a proxy to vote on their
> behalf, in accordance with Section 4.11, and Appendix 2, of the SLUG
> constitution[4]. Parties should notify the secretary of their
> appointment of a proxy via digitally signed e-mail to
> commit...@slug.org.au, using the form mentioned in Appendix 2.
> The committee will ask that the members ratify its activities as
> detailed in the office bearers' reports were in accordance with the
> organisation's aims. These reports will be presented at the AGM.
> On behalf of the committee I would like to thank you for your
> continued interest in SLUG and involvement with the community to
> date, and encourage you to pass on any questions or ideas you may
> have about the organisation's future to the SLUG Activities mailing
> list[5] or the committee[6] directly.
> Yours sincerely,
> Sridhar Dhanapalan
> President, Sydney Linux Users Group
> [0] http://wiki.slug.org.au/agm_guide
> [1] http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/activities
> [2] http://wiki.slug.org.au/2009agm
> [3] http://lists.slug.org.au/archives/slug/2009/03/msg00254.html
> [4] http://wiki.slug.org.au/activeconstitution
> [5] http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/activities
> [6] http://slug.org.au/contacts.html


Lisa Roberts


Suite 326,
353 King Street
Newtown, NSW,  2042
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

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