On 17/05/2009, at 5:46 PM, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

2009/4/2 Ben <shadr...@gmail.com>:
2009/4/2 Erik de Castro Lopo <mle+s...@mega-nerd.com>:
Ben wrote:

GIMP and Inkscape can't do CMYK,

Does this not do it for Gimp?


-->8-- snipped -->8--

The point of CMYK is that you create stuff in the appopriate colours:

My printing recommends the following:
* Black text: 100%K, 0% all others
* Black backgrounds: 100%K, 30%C, 0% others

RGB gets converted to CMY(Cyan, Magenta, Yellow)(with no K(Black) channel).

This leads to imperfect blacks in printing, and 3x the ink being
dumped to form black leads to smearing, drying issues etc.
Text ends up with fuzzy colour speckles around it too.

The GIMP plugin will not resolve these issues as every part of the
image would have to be hand tuned after being created, which is really
not practical.

GIMP does CMYK natively now:

Citing that exact link:
"...GIMP does not have any built-in support for CMYK mixtures that cannot be represented in RGB, such as rich blacks, though they can be simulated to a limited extent with third-party add-ons."

I wouldn't call that "CMYK natively" - I'd consider that partial implementation. They really need to offer a CMYK editing mode completely divorced of Gimp's RGB heritage.

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