Hi Martin,

Mate you are a genius!
All working now.
I just moved the lines as you suggested. Nothing else and both sites working. I'm going to run up a third site and add it in to the mix. Then carefully doco how this is done.

I definitely owe you at least a beer.
Thanks again.

Martin Barry wrote:
$quoted_author = "Ben Donohue" ;
2009/08/27 11:08:34| squid.conf, line 648: No cache_peer 'icafe_peer'
2009/08/27 11:08:34| squid.conf, line 649: No cache_peer 'pamphlets_peer'

Ah, I think you need to move the cache_peer lines above the
cache_peer_access ones.

www.pamphlets.org.au gives a very old www.icafe.com.au site even after deleting and clearing the browser. I'm trying to figure where it is getting this old version from.

Check using tcpdump that requests for www.pamphlets.org.au are going to the
.249 server?

Check how things are being handled on the .249 server? Logs? Config?

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