The department is employing a "white hat" to do a penetration test at
the end of this month and we thought it would be better to be fore
armed.  This LMS is very important to us and has significantly helped
our student base lift their average results to be near the top for the
state.  They have guided learning available to them both at home and at
school.  We would hate that one mistake on my part would give the
department the excuse they need to shut us down.

Is the person doing a penetration test or a policy style test?
IE will they be given any physical access to the box or are they the same as everybody outside.

If they are coming from outside then you should be pretty safe. (they should get the same done against their other system as well just because I have used blackboard as a student and it sucked donkey "parts", so if you can kill it so much the better ;->)
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