On Thu, 2009-12-17 at 18:24 +1100, Adam Kennedy wrote:
> I'm not suggesting this be the ONLY way of dealing with the issue.
> If it's possibly to at least remove all the excuses that it's cheap
> and easy, and demonstrate an ongoing series of high profile false
> positives, and the resulting latency issues, and that the whole thing
> is ungodly expensive.

10's of millions is already ungodly expensive ;). 

> Surely taking the problem we know exist and making those problems
> real, immediate, high profile, and tangible, would provide some
> benefit to the people doing the more serious political work.

It may simply backfire by making 'the problem' more tangible measurable
and accessible to the fearmongers, permitting them more draconian plans
and more money wasted.


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