Del wrote:


Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

I have a serial port (connected to a GPS at 4800 baud). I have multiple processes that need to read from that serial port. I need all of the processes to read the same data, essentially creating a one way chat from the serial port to all processes listening in.

I've tried using socat but if I create a socket connection, using, e.g.

socat TCP4-LISTEN:25555,reuseaddr,fork /dev/ttyUSB0,b4800,raw,echo=0

... then have multiple connections in to TCP socket 25555, then each socket connection gets part of the data stream from the serial port.

I've tried setting up a multicast, but because multicast is UDP based I'm seeing occasional packet-out-of-order and packet-dropped issues. Ideally I'd like it to be TCP based -- I have one process that can connect to a TCP socket for its data rather than read from the port, and I can use socat to create PTYs for the other processes that expect a serial port provided the data comes in in the right order.

Yes, I know about gpsd, and one of the processes that needs to read the serial data is gpsd, but I have some processes that need to read the raw data provided by the GPS and not gpsd's output.


If you know the number of processes I'd be tempted to just tee it off into some fifo type buffers, one per process. the fifo would I hope look enough like a serial port to your programs that it might be able to handle it.

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