Jeremy Visser <> writes:
> On 19/02/10 13:41, Daniel Pittman wrote:
>> ] mount / -o remount,rw
>> ] passwd root  # ...and give it a good password
>> ] mount / -o remount,ro
>> ] sync; sync; sync
>> # wait thirty seconds, because paranoia never hurts
>> ] sync; sync; sync; reboot
>> Just be aware that you don't get a lot of nice things like, oh, some
>> of the "flush on shutdown" behaviour that you do in a normal boot.
> Shutting down from the GUI, or typing 'halt' isn't magic. It doesn't
> magically do anything that sync doesn't. How else do you think that the
> logic works when you shut down?

...perhaps my working wasn't clear, as you seem to be restating my point?


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