Sorry for the delay replying :-)

On Fri, 26 May 2006 21:59:29 -0700, Lindsay Holmwood writes:

>Although i'm familiar with the past few years of SLUG history, would
>some of the old timers care to help me out with the following email?

>>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>From: Steve Demeo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: May 27, 2006 4:29 AM
>>Subject: Club history
>>I have heard it rumored that one of the first Linux User Groups in
>>the world was founded in Australia.
>>I understand that the Sydney Linux User Group (SLUG) was established
>>in 1993 only 2 years after Linus Torvalds originally created the Linux
>>operating system.
>>Would you have any information with regard to whether SLUG was the first LUG?
>>If not the first where in the rankings would you guess it would be placed?
>>If not would you have an indication of which global LUG's may have
>>established earlier that SLUG?

The inaugural SLUG meeting (which I attended) was held on Friday 30th July 1993
at Softway in Chippendale. Here's a copy of the announcement email:

In <> (Christopher Fraser) 

>SLUG (Sydney Linux Users Group) inaugural meeting is to be held on
>Friday 30th July at the premises of:

>       Softway Pty Ltd
>       Level 2
>       79 Myrtle St
>       Chippendale

>The meeting will commence at around 6:15pm, but please try and arrive by
>6:00pm. It should be a fairly informal meeting. We're planning on having a few
>short presentations on recent news/developments, R3000 board project, etc.
>If you'd you have any other suggestions or would like to volunteer to
>present something, then we'd love to hear from you.

>If you have any questions regarding SLUG or the meeting, please contact either
>myself or Robert Thomas:

>       Robert Thomas (
>       Christopher Fraser (

>I'm just coordinating the meeting, Robert is the one who oragnised SLUG. I will
>be away until the 19th, so urgent correspondence should be directed to
>Robert. If you intend attending, then please send me a brief email message
>so I can get an idea of numbers.


>Christopher Fraser.

>How to get to Softway

>   * If you're walking from Central Railway, head down Broadway and
>     turn left at Abercrombie St (it's about a 10 minute walk).
>   * If you're catching a Broadway/Parramatta Road bus, alight opposite the
>     CUB brewery and walk up Abercrombie St.

>   * If you're driving, approach either by Cleveland St, or take the
>     first left after Abercrombie St from Broadway.

>  The following map may (or may not) help:
>      (to central)
>   UTS  |     |            (to regent st)
>   _____|     |
>   _____      |                |   |                               |   |
>        |     |  CUB           |   |                 Cleveland St ---> |
>        |     | Brewery        |   |                               |   |
>   _____|     |____ ... _______|   |_______________________________|   |__
>   Wattle                Abercrombie St. (one way <-- )
>   ___         ____ ... _______     _______________    ____________     __
>      \       |                |   | Pub           |  |            |   |
>       \      |                |   |               |  |            |   |
>        |     |                |   |_________      |  |
>        |     |                |   |         |     | <-- Dangar Pl
>        |    <---- Broadway    |   | Softway |     |  |
>        |     |                |   |_________|     |  |           (to city rd)
>        |     |                |   |               |  |
>        |     |                |  <---- Myrtle St  |  |
>        |     |                |   |_______________|  |___
>        |     |                |    _______________    ___
>        |     |____ ... ______/    /    Wiley St   |  |
>        |                         /
>        |      ____ ... _________/                        NOT TO SCALE
>        |     |

>Christopher Fraser              ``Remember what happened last time?''

Love that ASCII art. This is what people did in the days before Google Maps :-)

SLUG was not the first. The Boise Linux User Group beat us by 3 months,

and they don't say they were the first, just the oldest one in Idaho.

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