On 24/05/2010, at 8:47 AM, Glen Turner wrote:

> On Mon, 2010-05-24 at 09:02 +1000, Peter Chubb wrote:
>> Actually it doesn't give the whole answer.
> Wow, thanks heaps Peter.
Thank you all. Particularly Peter.

That is truly an amazing depth of information to digest.

> tenzero: so there are 1000 (CONFIG_HZ) samples per second. For each
> sample your program is one of: not scheduled, running in user, running
> in system, or has yielded the processor due to a blocking event such as
> I/O or an explicit sleep().
> It is possible that all processes yield and you get scheduled twice in
> one sample -- I'd note that, and then ignore the possibility. Run an
> infinite loop in another process if it worries you. That bastard will
> never yield, and so your process will never be scheduled twice in a
> tick. If you have multiple CPUs, bind one infinite loop to each CPU.  In
> reality, unless your results are odd, this is a lot of work to exclude
> an unlikely case.
> With luck, your program is such that you can use strace to count the
> blocking events on a single run of your program. Then pretend that the
> scheduler tick misses every one of these. So if you program has 10
> blocking events and runs for 1.00 second then there result has a bound
> of [1.00, 1.01]. Including the reporting error from the API [0.99,
> 1.02].
> You will save yourself a world of statistics if your "better" program's
> range falls completely under the "worse" program's range.
In this case it is. The hardware device dramatically outperforms the 
software and the error in the hardware device is half a clock cycle or
20ns while the error in the software is in the ms scale.

Mostly for completeness, I simply wanted to discuss the error in the 
software measurement. 
> In your Appendix you acknowledge Peter's contribution with a footnote
> (eg, "Thanks to Dr Peter Chubb of UNSW for explaining the sampling
> nature of the Linux task accounting"). In general, you don't cite these
> sort of e-mail discussions since they are "all care and no
> responsibility" discussions rather than a considered opinion ready for
> peer review. Of course, where the posting becomes a part of the record
> (such Linus's announcement of Linux) then you reference.
> You will see from this discussion the common research hassle that
> determining the error of an experiment is usually more work than
> determining the result.

Indeed, that's exactly how I'm finding this. 
> Best of luck with your studies,
> Glen
Thanks. All things going to plan, I should graduate in about a month. This
is for my final year project in Electronic Engineering.

Again, thanks for everyones help.
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