Hi Sluggers,

does anyone on this list, who isn't running the latest version of Ubuntu and doesn't re-build their Linux desktop every second day and therefore doesn't have "add-apt-repository" and "ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa" or whatever the hell is that on their box,

had any success in finding links to instructions as to how to install Firefox 4.0 beta for normal users? (People still using Jaunty for example).



P.S yes I'm frustrated and exasperated with Linux and no I can no longer be bothered to try to keep up with the insane rate at which the community changes things. I'm sure there are a million arguments as to why the accelerator pedal would be better if it was on the left but it's not, it's on the right so just leave it there otherwise you will just leave a whole bunch of users behind who will then go back to that other operating system.

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